Position Announcement: Serials Conversion Assistant, Portland, OR John R. Mead 31 Mar 1997 15:53 UTC

From:  John R. Mead <johnmead@TELEPORT.COM>

Please accept my apologies for cross-posting this to Circplus, libjobs,
libs-or, Serialst and the PNLA listserves; we want to hire someone for this
position, so we're trying all the appropriate lists we know of!  If any of
you have the addresses of library support listserves in the Pacific
Northwest area, *please* forward this position to them!  Thanks!

Yours, John Mead, johnmead@teleport.com [home], johnm@ohs.org [work; home
works better, our work email system *will* *not* send mail to AOL, and has
other "undocumented features"]


Serials Assistant/Retrospective Conversion
1.00 FTE (36.25 hrs./wk.)
Non-exempt position (N-08)
Temporary position through September 30, 1998
Closing date: April 15, 1997
Position availability: May 1, 1997
Contact: John Mead, Director, Reference & Research Collections, Oregon
Historical Society Library, 1200 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97205
(503) 306-5245


Position description: Serials Assistant needed for library serials
retrospective conversion project.  Responsible for retrospective
conversion of existing library serials records from manual to
machine-readable format in preparation for inclusion in an online public
access catalog [Horizon (GUI version of Dynix)].  Searches and selects
online cataloging records for comparison with existing OHS serials Kardex
cards. Evaluates online records for completeness.  Performs online editing
necessary to upgrade cataloging records to national and local database
standards, including addition of Oregon Union List of Serials data.

SPECIFIC JOB SKILLS: General familiarity with serials control, machine
readable cataloging (MARC), OCLC, and the OCLC Union List Subsystem.
Accurate keyboard skills, attention to detail, capacity to work
independently, and ability to strike reasonable balance between quality
and productivity considerations.

EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelor's degree required and a minimum of one
year's experience with online serials' control using OCLC (including the
Union List segment); experience using a local system (preferably
Dynix/Horizon) a plus. Working knowledge of Windows/OS2 required.

Serials Assistant will report to the Director, Reference & Research