Re: Supplement with Nursing Times : NT Judy Cerqua 21 Mar 1997 16:42 UTC

On March 20, Pauline Bryant wrote:

>We received our March 5-11 1997 issue,  of Nursing Times : NT.  It
>has a separate supplement entitled Learning Curve (new continuing
>education supplement) with its own numbering - v1, #1.  On the
>inside front cover the editor writes that we will be receiving
>this supplement once a month (the journal is published weekly).
>Has someone else received this and how will you be checking in the
>supplement?  Any ideas?  TIA for your input!

If this is going to be a continuing supplement, received on a regular
schedule, then we will set up a separate bib and check-in record for the

Judith Cerqua
Head, Acquisitions/Processing
State Library of Ohio