Re: Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Regina Reynolds 18 Mar 1997 22:17 UTC

Linda McCammon-Whalen wrote:
> I am relatively new to serial cataloging and have a question I hope someone
> can answer for me. We subscribe to Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (OCLC #8798266)
> and the Marc tag 222 shows the year 1960 in subfield b. Why is the year
> 1960 instead of 1982 when the title changed?  Does it have something to
> do with the ISSN being the same as the previous title?

Linda, you are correct in your assumption that the discrepancy between the
date qualifier in the 022 and the start date on the record has something
to do with the ISSN being the same as the previous title.  In fact, it has
everything to do with it, since the meaning of this situation is that in
terms of the ISSN, the title was not considered to have changed and
therefore no new ISSN was assigned.  In the ISSN database, there is
only one record for this ISSN and key title with a start date of 1960.
However, since there were two records in the CONSER database, NSDP
authenticated both of the records with the same ISSN and key title.  In
this case (which we try to avoid when possible) it was not so much that
the ISSN rules and the cataloging rules for titles changes differ, but
rather a difference of opinion as to where the title ends.  I hope this
clears up any confusion for you.

Regina  R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160