Serials bid (Judy Cerqua)
Marcia Tuttle 13 Feb 1997 18:26 UTC
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Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 12:32:25 -0500
From: Judy Cerqua <jcerqua@SLONET.OHIO.GOV>
Subject: Serials bid
Dear Serialsters:
Thanks to all who replied to my survey. Your responses were most valuable.
I have since sent out our rfp/bid and now am waiting for the vendors
I received 7 replies to my survey and as requested, I am summarizing them
for the list.
1. Does your library use a serials jobber? - All 7 libraries use a 1 or more
serials vendors. 2 use separate vendors for periodicals and standing orders.
2. Does your library send out bid/rfp requests to serials vendors for price
3 libraries have not sent out an rfp/bid.
4 libraries have sent out an rfp/bid in the recent past.
a. If a bid/rfp is sent to vendors, how often is this done?
2 library has no formal process and recently sent out a list.
2 libraries send their lists out every 5 years
1 library sent their list out a few years ago, found little difference in
1 library indicated that vendor dissatisfaction would be reason for that
library to send out an rfp.
1 library indicated that negotiating with their vondor was more beneficial
than sending out an rfp every few years. Also indicating that with any
transition, issues and payments will overlap or be missing causing a multitude
of headaches.
3. When a bid list is prepared, do you send the entire list or a sample?
All 4 sent the entire list.
1 response indicated this was the only way for the vendor to be sure they
we charging the correct service fee based on the title "mix"
4. If you send a sample, how is the sample selected?
No libraries sent samples
a. Is the sample a specific percentage of materials ordered or a fixed
number of titles.
b. Would you send the same list each time a bid was prepared?
5. Once quotes are received, what criteria are used to evaluate the
All 4 libraries used some variation of the following 4 criteria ( in no
particular order)
1. Price
2. Service
3. Vendor reliability/accountability
4. Ability interact with a variety of automated systems.
1 library has a committee of 1 faculty rep, 1 librarian and 1 purchasing
person evaluate responses.
6. Is price the most important part of the process, or are services
1 response said yes, price was the deciding factor. 3 libraries said it was
heavily weighted but not the bottom line.
1 library said the service charge was as important as the price.
1 library indicated that the service fee was a factor, but low fees and bad
service do not save any time/money.
7. If services are considered, how are they weighted?
All libraries indicated that service was weighted as heavily or more
heavily than price and service fee.
A variety of factors were considered by the different libraries. See the
list below:
1. Claims and publisher contacts.
2. Invoicing via tape load
3. Customized reports for collection management.
4. Services are 2 categories, mandatory and desired
5. Help transitioning from a manual to an automated check-in system
6. Personalized service - one rep to handle the account who can get to
"know' the library & personnel.
7. Vendor ability to support budget process was highly desirable.
8. Minority participtation.
9. Financial stability of the vendor.
Overall the reponses I received indicated that while this task is unpleasant,
most libraries do send out serials vendor rfp's either required by law (our
situation) or as a method for replacing an unsatisfactory vendor. The entire
title list is sent and the price and services are almost equally weighted in
determining the best vendor for thir library. Service seems to be the key.
All the responses talked about the need for reliable personalized services
from the vendor.
One library determined their last vendor based on services rather than price.
Thanks again for all of your responses. Hope this summary is helpful. If you
have any questions please call or e-mail me directly.
Judith Cerqua
Head, Acquisitions/Processing (614) 644-6928
State Library of Ohio In Ohio (800) 686-1533
65 S. Front Street
Columbus, OH 43215