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Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 14:45:50 -0500
From: Roger L. Presley <LIBRLP@LANGATE.GSU.EDU>
Subject: ALA Midwinter Meeting Announcement Reminder
ALA Mid-Winter Meeting Reminder
Open Forum on Acquisitions Research and Statistics
When: Monday, February 17, 1997, 2-4:00 P.M.
Where: Crowne Plaza - Hamilton Ballroom
The Acquisitions Research and Statistics Committee of ALCTS' Acquisitions'
Section, is sponsoring an OPEN FORUM on Acquisitions Research and
Statistics. Come and hear from those who are in a position to present or
publish your research. Editors will let us know what they are looking for
in the area of acquisitions and writers and researchers will share what
they are currently working on. Bring your questions, concerns and ideas.
The purpose of this forum is to promote research and statistics in the
area of acquisitions. Through all of you, we hope to represent the
various aspects of research in this area. The panel consists of authors,
editors, moderators of acquisitions-related listservs, or conveners of
meetings. We would like the forum to be a discussion and brain-storming
session to identify what types of articles publishers are looking to
publish in this area and how to encourage and promote library
professionals to start conducting research and to publish their findings
in the professional literature.
Our reknown list of facilitators is:
Christian Boissonnas, Cornell University, Piercy Award Jury Member;
Eleanor Cooke, Appalachian State University, Editor of ACQNET;
Cindy Hepfer, SUNY Buffalo, Editor of The Serials Review;
Tom Leonhardt, University of Oklahoma, and LITA President;
Barbara Preece, Southern Illinois University, Editor of Library
Administration & Management;
Ron Ray, University of the Pacific, and former Feather River Institute
Barbara Winters, Wright State University, Chair, ALCTS' Program Committee;
Jennifer Younger, Ohio State University, Editor of Library Resources &
Technical Services.
The Committee cordially invites anyone interested in acquisitions research
and statistics to come to the forum with their ideas and questions.