chemistry citation (4 messages)
Birdie MacLennan 06 Feb 1997 14:49 UTC
4 messages, 74 lines:
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 12:15:30 -0500
From: Jane Thompson 558-8310 <Jane.Thompson@UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: chemistry citation - need help
This citation, J Soc Chem Ind (1911), 30:184 is:
Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (London), v.1(1882)-
Listed in the first edition of the Union LIst of Serials. Tip:
when you have a citation to a Society pub, and it's old, try
searching under the name of the Society as author, with "Journal"
or whatever as the title. Many universities held this title; I
did not check OCLC.
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 13:58:00 CST
Subject: Re: chemistry citation - need help
J SOC CHEN IND is actually: Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
whose v. 30 was published 1911.
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:57:35 GMT
From: Marta Abad Lopez <bxeabad@SIALPHA1.USC.ES>
Subject: Re: chemistry citation - need help
>At 05:29 PM 2/3/97 EST, B. McCarter wrote:
>I need help identifying the following citation which was brought in by a
>chemistry professor. J SOC CHEM IND v. 30 page 184 1911. This is all we
>have to go on. Came across several possibilities (e.g. Journal of the
>Chemical Society[London] but our holdings do not go back far enough to
>verify. Subject has to do with a chemical process (all the info. I
>have). Please help identify and give any other pertinent information so
>we can order through ILL for professor. Please respond direct to me.
Try this one:
ISSN 0368.4075
Key title: Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London
Abbreviated key title: J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Lond.
Start date: 1882 End date: 1917
Continued by: Journal of applied chemistry (London), ISSN 0021-8871
Marta Abad Lopez
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Biblioteca General
Negociado de Publicaciones Periodicas
Pazo de Fonseca, c/ Franco, s/n
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:52:10 EST
From: Kamala Narayanan <NARAYANA@QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA>
Subject: Re: chemistry citation - need help
In case this information is still required....
Sorry I forgot to keep the orginal requestor's e-mail
address. The journal citation is as follows:
Society of Chemical Industry (Great Britain)
Journal v.1-69:Jan. 1882-Dec.1950.
v. 30 is 1911
You should be able to acquire through interlibrary loan.
Good Luck.
Mrs. Kamala S.Narayanan
Serials Librarian Phone :(613) 545-6000 ext 4540
Mackintosh Corry Hall Fax :(613) 545-6819
Library, Acquisitions/Serials
Queen's University,Kingston. Ontario K7L 5C4 Canada