Re: Use of Serial Records for Circulating Materials Marjorie Freeman 05 Feb 1997 15:13 UTC

In answer to the question about entering serial records for circulating
materials most of our the libraries in our consortium do enter serial
records for them for the following reasons:

1. It gives us control over what is expected and what should be claimed.
2. Since our system automatically supplies the vol. # and/or date when an item
is checked in it allows for more uniform vol. information on our records.
3. The public finds it is easy to see exactly what vols. we have from
te subscription summary record.
3. Our subscription summary screens also has room for notes concerning
the extent of what the library keeps - "Library retains latest edition only"
and for notes concerning title changes.  The later can, of course, be added to
the MARC record but then it gets lost in the mass of other information.
4. Our system has the capability to use analytics which allows us to
also have records for the individual titles when that situaltion exists. So
patrons can find the individual titles as well as the serial title.

Actually it does not matter one bit to us whether a serial is a periodical,
a reference book, a circulating book or a video issued as a serial, they
are all serials to us and are treated as such.  It makes keeping up with
these publications much easier.

Marge Freeman
System Administrator
LION Consortium of Virginia

Howard L. Pitts wrote:
> I am interested in hearing which procedures other libraries follow regarding
> serial records for almanacs, yearbooks for sports, travel guides, etc.
> Presently at my library, we are using serial records only for reference
> materials.  I want to propose to my supervisor the use of these records
> because they will aid in production by getting these materials through the
> department faster, reducing authority work or creation of new records for a
> monograph.
> Thanks!
> Howard L. Pitts
> Head of Cataloging
> Technical Services Division
> Greenville County (S.C.) Library
> 300 College St.
> Greenville, SC 29601
> Voice: 864.242.5000, Ext. 265
> Fax: 864.235.8375
> E-mail: