Re: chemistry citation - need help Nancy Hanks 05 Feb 1997 15:10 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At 05:29 PM 2/3/97 EST, B. McCarter wrote:
>I need help identifying the following citation which was brought in by a
>chemistry professor. J SOC CHEM IND v. 30 page 184 1911. This is all we
>have to go on. Came across several possibilities (e.g. Journal of the
>Chemical Society[London] but our holdings do not go back far enough to
>verify. Subject has to do with a chemical process (all the info. I
>have). Please help identify and give any other pertinent information so
>we can order through ILL for professor. Please respond direct to me.

     This cannot be Journal of the Chemical Society (London) as 1911 for
that title is vols. 99-100.  You may want to post other possiblities to be
checked.  Good luck.

Nancy S. Hanks                          Phone:  412-738-2658
Serials Librarian                       Fax:    412-738-2661
Bailey Library                          Email:
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock, PA  16057