Publication Status - Landscape (Ann L. Jones) Marcia Tuttle 18 Feb 1997 19:26 UTC

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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 13:02:24 -0600
From: Ann L. Jones <ajones@ARTIC.EDU>
Subject: Publication Status - Landscape

We recently queried our vendor about the publication status of Landscape
and were told that the publisher hopes to produce another issue "soon". No
expected date was offered but it soulds like they haven't given up yet so
we won't either!

>Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:52:17 -0600
>From: Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
>Subject: Publication Statii :)
>Am looking for the publication status of two journals:
>Revista Iberoamericana:  Last we received is #175; I had claimed it and it
>came in October (1996).  The last prior issue, #174 was received here in
>October 1995.
>Landscape (ISSN 0023-8023):  Has anyone received issues past vol. 32 #2?
>We got that on July 7, 1994.
>Thanks for any help; happy Valentine's Day to all,
>Jeanette Skwor
>Cofrin Library
>University of Wisconsin-Green Bay


Ann Leslie Jones                        312-443-3526 (voice)
Assistant Head of Technical Services    312-443-0849 (fax)
Ryerson & Burnham Libraries   
The Art Institute of Chicago