(no subject) Birdie MacLennan 03 Feb 1997 16:01 UTC

We are also using Datatrek for Serials and Acquisitions.  We make a
separate record for each title change, i.e. one record for Journal of the
American Medical Society and one for JAMA.  In the old record's holding
statements, we include "Continued by...." and in the new, "Continues...."
We also produce a printed list of all our holdings in a notebook with the
same information.  We do this in Word Perfect, because it was started
several years before the acquisition of Datatrek.  A list can be generated
from Datatrek and transfered to a word processor, but there would be a
lot of clean-up (taking out irrelevant information).

Carol Morse
Serials Librarian                                        Tel:  509) 527-2684
Walla Walla College Library                        Fax:  509) 527-2001
College Place, WA  99324                          Email:  morsca@wwc.edu