ALA Midwinter Meeting Announcements (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 22 Jan 1997 15:23 UTC

2 messages, 83 lines:
  1.  ALCTS Acquisitions Section, Acquisitions Librarians/Vendors of
      Library Materials DG:  Virtual Acquistions: Blessing or Burden
  2.  SISAC (Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee) ALA meetings

Date:         Tue, 21 Jan 1997 21:49:48 EST
From:         Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject:      ALA Midwinter Announcement
Comments: To:,,

ALA Midwinter Meeting Announcement

ALCTS Acquisitions Section, Acquisitions Librarians/Vendors of Library
Materials Discussion Group

Sunday, February 16, 1997
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Washington Vista, Vista Ballroom C

VIRTUAL ACQUISITIONS: BLESSING OR BURDEN - Acquiring library materials in
electronic formats.  Part I: The Issues.

Libraries, vendors and publishers are facing major changes and additional
responsibilities and challenges with the advent of electronic publishing.
 Representatives from a vendor (Blackwell's Periodicals) and a publisher
(Elsevier) will kick-off the meeting by identifying a number of issues
faced by those organizations when dealing with the provision of materials
in electronic formats.

Then it's YOUR turn!  We'll form small discussion groups to identify the
many issues being faced by acquisitions/serials librarians and their
staff when dealing with these materials in addition to their regular
workloads.  We'll also be thinking about how vendors, publishers and
libraries can all be of help to each other.  At the end of the meeting,
we'll come together to compile our lists of issues.   [Stay tuned to ALA
Annual, when we'll try to come up with some solutions as well...]

For additional information contact the discussion group co-chairs:

Amira Aaron
Coordinator, Library Automation and Product Development
Readmore, Inc.;   (617) 860-7224

Dan Gottlieb
Head, Acquisitions & Accounting Department
Langsam Library
University of Cincinnati;   (513) 556-1464

** This announcement has been cross-posted to multiple lists.  Please
excuse any duplication.**

Date:         Tue, 21 Jan 1997 21:39:22 EST
From:         Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject:      SISAC Announces ALA Meetings
Comments: To:,,

SISAC, the Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee, is pleased to
announce the following meetings to be held at ALA Midwinter in
Washington, D.C.:

Please join us for the General SISAC Meeting, Sunday, February 16,
4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Renaissance Washington Hotel, Rm. 12.  The program

The meeting of the SISAC Education & Publicity Subcommittee Meeting will
be held on Saturday, February 15, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Holiday
Inn Downtown (Capitol), in the Capitol Room.  We need your help and
creativity in spreading the word!

There will be a SISAC Executive Committee Meeting on Saturday, February
15, 4:00-5:30 p.m.  Meet at the Message Board of the Washington
Convention Center.

We hope to see you in February!

** This message has been posted to multiple lists;  please excuse any