Expensive serial titles Alberto J Garcia 22 Jan 1997 15:11 UTC

We made a list of all expensive serial titles in our collection, and we
discover that 44 (3.6% of 1200 serial titles) of these serial titles
represent about 25% of the subscription year cost ($82,000 dlls.).

ackt Mathematical Reviews                                  6226.
aawj Fluid Phase Equilibria                                3636.
aafq Optics Communications                                 3520.
acbj Journal of Chemical Physics                           3501.
acso Chemical Engineering Science                          2838.
aaew Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General        2647.
adpu Water research.                                       2537.
aakp Annals of Physics                                     2416.
abyn Phytochemistry                                        2360.
aahg Journal of Computational Physics                      2268.
abwi Water, air & soil pollution                           2258.
aces Journal of Catalysis                                  2239.
adiv Artificial intelligence.                              2210.
adiw Biochemistry.                                         2072.
adnv Journal of the American Chemical Society.             1907.
abua American Journal of Physical Anthropology             1848.
adsk The Chemical engineering journal (including biochemicalI      1788.
aavu Journal of Statistical Physics                        1762.
adsi Food chemistry.                                       1681.
ackc Powder Technology                                     1650.
acni Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and       1599.
adlz Fuel; a journal of fuel science.                      1593.
adgc Applied Optics                                        1590.
ackl Washington Post                                       1545.
acmq Journal of Public Economics                           1376.
adqa International Trade reporter.                         1361.
adfv Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics        1356.
aarm Statistics: a Journal of Theorethical & Applied Statistfm     1351.
absh Transactions of the AMS                               1342.
adkd Computers & chemical engineering.                     1313.
aaus Software Practice & Experience                        1285.
abli Journal of Organic Chemistry                          1242.
adca European Economic Review                              1240.
abhv Journal of Food Engineering                           1237.
aany Reports on Progress in Physics                        1205.
acrf Le Monde                                              1195.
acbl Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                 1175.
adpy World development.                                    1141.
ablf Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications       1113.
aaaq Communications in Partial Differential Equations      1113.
adrt DIE WELT                                              1099.
ackw International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics         1059.
acps Personality and Individual Differences                1037.
aabe Analytical Chemistry                                  1013.

Our plan is to handle in electronic formats: CD or online.

Do you have information about those serial titles that are indexed in
cd-rom or any sources that give us access to full text online journals?

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or any information about it

Thank you in advance

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