Indexing information availability (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 17 Jan 1997 15:44 UTC

3 messages, 60 lines:

Date:         Thu, 16 Jan 1997 17:17:46 -0800
From:         Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
Subject:      Indexing information availability -Reply

Our serials dept. used to maintain a card file with indexing & subject info.
It was too labor-intensive.  Some indexing info. (for print indexes) is on
the Marc Record.  We have the DataTrek Serials Module, and when I first
came to this job about 3 years ago, I started inputing the indexing onto
the Subject screen.  It was too labor-intensive, also.  We are going to
switch to an Innovative (integrated) system, so the Marc records will be
available to patrons.  There is no easy answer to this question.

Carol Morse
Serials Librarian                              Tel:  509) 527-2684
Walla Walla College Library                    Fax:  509) 527-2001
College Place, WA  99324                     Email:

Date:         Fri, 17 Jan 1997 08:27:22 EST
From:         Kamala Narayanan <NARAYANA@QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA>
Subject:      Re: Indexing information availability

If you are citing sources where a journal is
indexed in the bibliographic record, you have to
to take off the information when it is no longer
indexed.   Some journal titles are dropped or picked up by
other indexes etc.  It is for this reason we decided
not to add this information on to our database.

Mrs. Kamala S.Narayanan
Serials Librarian                Phone :(613) 545-6000 ext 4540
Mackintosh Corry Hall            Fax   :(613) 545-6819
Library, Acquisitions/Serials
Queen's University,Kingston. Ontario K7L 5C4 Canada

Date:         Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:27:22 EST
From:         Birdie MacLennan <>
Subject:      Re: Indexing information availability

We went through some rather lengthy deliberations with
public services staff here (some years back) about whether
or not catalogers should monitor and maintain the 510
citation/reference notes for indexes in serial records.
We also deliberated over whether or not to display these
notes in the public view of our OPAC.

We decided not to display the notes.  Our reference people
felt that this information changed and went out of date
too quickly.  Given this decision, it also followed that
we would not monitor or maintain 510 fields in serial records.

    Birdie MacLennan
    Serials Coordinator
    University of Vermont