Re: Advances in physiological sciences
Biserka Mrzljak 14 Jan 1997 21:22 UTC
Yves Magis <> wrote:
> Does someone know or treat a publication called "Advances in physiological
> sciences" ? I cannot find that publication neither in OCLC nor in ISSN
> compact. Is it a serial or a collected work or ... ?
> The only element i have it's published in Budapest with the v.4(1980). ...
Here at University of Western Ontario Libraries (CaOLU) we have
treated this title as a multivolume set with contents note. It was
catalogued under conference name main entry, i.e. 111, International
Congress of Physiological Science (28th : 1980 : Budapest, Hungary)
with the title (245): Advances in physiological sciences : proceedings
of the 28th international congress ... The DLC record number, i.e.,
010 is 80041885, ISBN (020) for the set is 0080264077 and Dewey class
no. (082) is 591.1|219. The set is published in 1981 in Budapest and
includes 36 volumes.
It is a normal occurrence to meet strange titles in any library that
has existed for some time as practices and policies do change due to
the needs of individual libraries or even the treatment interpretation
of individual librarians at a given time.
Thanks to electronic communication like SERIALST we are now able to
resolve the mysteries. I think that we all wish to have clean
databases, however, we do have to acknowledge the existence of the
times past.
Biserka Mrzljak
Serials Cataloguing Librarian
University of Western Ontario
London, Ont., Canada
519 679-2111 x4829