Advances in physiological sciences -Request for info Yves Magis 13 Jan 1997 16:01 UTC

Hi everybody,
Does someone know or treat a publication called "Advances in physiological
sciences" ? I cannot find that publication neither in OCLC nor in ISSN
compact. Is it a serial or a collected work or ... ?
The only element i have it's published in Budapest with the v.4(1980).
It's possible that the title i have is wrong.
This title is mentioned in our manual alphabetical file. As i put in our
database all the old publications that our institution owns, i meet
sometimes very strange title.
Could one of you help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

Yves Magis
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Centre de Gestion des Bibliotheques
Departement du Catalogue - Catalogue des periodiques CP 180
50, Av. Franklin Roosevelt
B-1050 Bruxelles

tel.: 32-2-6503509