Burlington Magazine -request for info. Ann L. Jones 09 Jan 1997 21:23 UTC

Subject:      delivery problems with Burlington Magazine

We have been having a lot of trouble receiving Burlington Magazine in a
timely fashion and were wondering what the experience of other U.S.
libraries is with this title. Our vendor tells us that it should be
arriving approximately two weeks into the month on the cover, but our
experience over the last six months is as follows:

         138:1120 July 1996      ARRIVED  on 08-13-96

         138:1121 August 1996    ARRIVED  on 09-04-96

         138:1122 September 1996 ARRIVED  on 10-14-96

         138:1123 October 1996   ARRIVED  on 10-29-96

         138:1124 November 1996  ARRIVED  on 11-26-96

We have not yet received the December 1996 issue. Please respond to me
personally. If anyone else would like to know the answers, I would be happy
to send them copies of any responses I may receive.

Thank you very much.

Ann Leslie Jones                        312-443-3526 (voice)
Serials Librarian                       312-443-0849 (fax)
The Art Institute of Chicago            ajones@artic.edu