Materials on microcard (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 30 Jan 1997 22:35 UTC

4 messages, 93 lines:

Date:         Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:40:31 -0400
From:         Valerie Mickelberg <mickel@IS.DAL.CA>
Subject:      Re: Materials on microcard

On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Anita Gordon-Gilmore <> wrote:
>  Are many libraries still using microcard materials?
>  ... or have you been able to switch this material to another format?
> I think that we have the last living (and I use the term loosely) microcard
> reader in existence. This is not a reader/printer. Does such exist?
>  This is old and poor technology, but we still have patrons who want this
> information from microcard. We are unable to get replacement bulbs for our
> machine.
>  Even if we could get a good reader or reader/printer, we would rather not.
>  Has anyone been able to "re-archive" microcard materials into a more usable
> format? When? Where? How? How much$?
>    You may reply to me, rather than the list.  Thanks!

Dear Anita:

        Here at Dalhousie University Libraries  we have a lot of the old
microcards.   They are not heavily used of course, however they still get
used.   We have 2 microcard readers.   The READEX  Universal Micro-Viewer
that takes two bulbs  (Lamp type:  GE T479).   Fortunately I have only
replaced the bulbs in them once since I have been here in five.  I went to
check our stock and we have about 5 bulbs left before we have  reorder.  I
could not find any listings of the the voltage or wattage  so I am going
to have trouble when I go to reorder.

        What kind of Reader do you have?   What is their
voltage/wattage?   Does your machine take two bulbs?

Ms. Valerie Mickelberg
Asst. Head of Serials/Microform Dept.
Dalhouse University Libraries
Halifax, NS   B3H 4H8
Fax      (902) 494-2062

Date:         Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:10:14 EST
Subject:      Re: Materials on microcard

Please post your responses to the list.  We have some uncatalogued materials on
microcard and a microcard reader.  Once those titles get catalogued, I assume
someone will eventually use it and then it will die. :)
Brad Coon                             If you are not living on
COON@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU            the edge, you are taking   up too much space.
(If you are linked to my web pages, be warned that all or most
will be changing URLs in the near future.)

"Civilize the mind and make savage the body."
        Chinese proverb

Date:         Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:23:49 -0500
From:         Liz Linton <melinton@ALISON.SBC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Materials on microcard


Please summarize for the list. We have microcards and no reader OR printer.
I'd love to know if someone is transferring them to microfiche.

Liz Linton
Serials Librarian
Sweet Briar College


Date:         Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:55:36 -0600
From:         Vickey Baumli <VBAUMLI@ACAD.NWMISSOURI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Materials on microcard

Would you please share your answers-we have the entire Library of
American Civilization collection on microcard. Vickey Baumli,
Northwest Missouri State Univ.