Title changes & bib record displays
Jacqueline Snider 29 Jan 1997 22:52 UTC
We have all modules of Data Trek's Professional series (new name,
EOSi). Currently, we have closed our serials' kardex and are making
sure that the serial entries are complete with holdings, etc. in the
online catalog. We have come across several title changes, and are
wondering how other libraries handle this situation. I have been
combining records so that one bib record contains all title information,
and the 245 contains the current title name; the 246 contains the former
name. The problem occurs when a patron searches for the old title on the
opac. The new title will show up, and unless the patron displays the
complete record format, they will not see the old title name. It can be
confusing. We have added variant titles in the text information field,
and that helps somewhat. But if a patron displays the F4 or group view,
only the new title shows up. Do other libraries use two bib records, and
cross reference? If so, do you have subscription histories for both
titles or do you combine them? Any information or suggestions is
appreciated. Thank you.
Jacqueline Snider; snider@act.org;
319-337-1165; ACT Library