On the horzion -request for info. Jan Lahmeyer 07 Jan 1997 16:36 UTC

Hello serial folks,

In 1994 we catalogued a periodical publication titled "On the
horizon". At that time there was alas no bibliographic source at our
disposal to confirm any starting date, ISSN etc.

Now we have to alter that discription and when I looked again in
CD-Marc serials and in ISSN-Compact I find TWO ISSN's for (in my
humble opinion) the SAME periodical publication:

- ISSN 1074-8121 [key-title:"On the Horizon"]
- ISSN 1085-4959 [key-title: "On the Horizon (Chapel Hill, NC)"]

I am curious what the difference between both descriptions is.
If only one title would remain, I would be glad to know which one,
so our local catalogue in Utrecht and the national catalogue in the
Netherlands would have one problem less.

With kind regards,
Jan Lahmeyer

U                        EML: seriecat@ubu.ruu.nl                       U
*                                                                       *
*   Subsection Serial Publications -  Cataloguing Section               *
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U                   University Library Utrecht                          U
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U                                                                       U
*   When cataloguing serials: someday you'll see every title again      *
*   so beware of the horror of the periodicals: it might snatch you!    *
*                                                                       *
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