Re: Check-in of annual cumulations (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 24 Jan 1997 22:49 UTC

4 messages, 97 lines:

Date:         Fri, 24 Jan 1997 16:26:09 EST
From:         Kamala Narayanan <NARAYANA@QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA>
Subject:      Re: Check-in of annual cumulations

At our library, we are on the NOTIS system.  We use one
bibliographic record for such titles as much as possible.
Our system also allows us to check in on one order record.
Such order records have divisions created to accomodate the
various frequencies.  We have no problems with titles
such as Engineering index or Reader's guide etc.

Mrs. Kamala S.Narayanan
Serials Librarian                Phone :(613) 545-6000 ext 4540
Mackintosh Corry Hall            Fax   :(613) 545-6819
Library, Acquisitions/Serials
Queen's University,Kingston. Ontario K7L 5C4 Canada

Date:         Fri, 24 Jan 1997 16:30:27 -0400
From:         Stephen Clark <sdclar@MAIL.SWEM.WM.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Check-in of annual cumulations

At the College of William and Mary, we use the SIRSI database for serials
control.  Annual cumulations are usually checked in on their own separate
bib. and check-in records which are in our "shadow" catalog.  Tech.
Services folks have access to the shadow catalog, while the public does
not.  After checking in the cum., the issues are sent to our Serials
Database Maintenance Unit, where holdings are edited to reflect the
addition of the cumulation, and display of the numbered issues which are
cumulated is removed.

Having a separate bib. record for the annual cumulation is handy since we
can attach specific notes to that particular record and when we do
claiming, the claim notices come up specifically listing the annual
cumulation, so that the vendor knows exactly what we are claiming.
We also do this for microforms, where the check in of the microform is
carried out in the shadow catalog, then the holdings are added to the
holdings of the paper bib. record.  That way, the enquirer only has to look
at one record to see all of our holdings.

Stephen D. Clark                        phone:  757-221-3107
Acquisitions Librarian                  fax:  757-221-2635
College of William and Mary             e-mail:
Earl Gregg Swem Library
P.O. Box 8794
Williamsburg, VA  23187-8794

Date:         Fri, 24 Jan 1997 15:41:54 -0600
From:         Charlene N Simser <csimser@KSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Check-in of annual cumulations

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, David Howard wrote:

> I would like to know how other libraries check-in annual cumulations.  If
> there is a MARC record for the individual issues (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
> and another MARC record for the annual cumulation of the same title, do you
> have both records in your database or have you chosen to have only one
> record.

We are grappling with the same questions at KSU Libraries ... we have no
set policy in place, and at times have used one record to check in both
the individual issues and the cumulations even when there are LC and/or
CONSER validated records available for both frequencies. Do other
libraries have established policies?

> Do some systems allow you to check-in both individual issues and annual
> cumulations on the same record?  We have the Gaylord Galaxy system and cannot
> check-in two different frequencies on the same record.

We recently migrated to the Voyager system (from Endeavor); its serial
check-in module DOES allow us to check in different frequencies on the
same record.

Charlene N. Simser
Serials Cataloger
KSU Libraries
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66503

Date:         Fri, 24 Jan 1997 16:31:27 -0600
From:         Carolyn Shaffer <SHAFFER@JCL.LIB.KS.US>
Subject:      Re: Check-in of annual cumulations

We have DRA and also cannot check-in two frequencies on the same record.
If there is a title difference between the annual and the other
frequencies, then we have two records.  Otherwise the annual has to be
checked in as a special issue on the same record.

Carolyn Shaffer
Johnson County Library
Overland Park, Kan.