Re: Check-in of annual cumulations Pauline Bryant 24 Jan 1997 20:51 UTC

At 11:28 AM 1/24/97 EST, David Howard <> wrote:
>I would like to know how other libraries check-in annual cumulations.  If
>there is a MARC record for the individual issues (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
>and another MARC record for the annual cumulation of the same title, do you
>have both records in your database or have you chosen to have only one record?
>Do some systems allow you to check-in both individual issues and annual
>cumulations on the same record?  We have the Gaylord Galaxy system and cannot
>check-in two different frequencies on the same record.
>I would greatly appreciate any helps/tips anyone can give me. ...

I would like to see the response to this addressed to the list.  We have
used the additional MARC record for the annual cumulation on some
titles.  In some instances we have just used one record.  When we do
this, we must check in the annual cumulation as a special issue.  The
annual cumulations are then listed at the bottom of the record for
public display.  I would also be interested in how others handle this

Pauline Bryant, Serials Dept.
Al Harris Library, Southwestern Okla State Univ
Weatherford, Oklahoma 73096          (405) 774-7022