American City & County -request for info. Kathleen Hanrahan 06 Jan 1997 21:22 UTC

Hello to all.

Because we have not had good leadership in this department for five or more
years (until a few months ago) there are lots of problems that we are
discovering and trying to clear up.  One of them is in regard to American City
& County.  The frequency is stated as "monthly except semimonthly in ____" (the
month seems to vary from year to year).  Since we are missing several issues
from 1996 we checked our 1995 holdings and have thirteen issues, but no
"semimonthly" issue.  Is the annual Municipal Index Buyer's Guide the other
issue?  This Guide is cataloged and processed by a different department and
shelved in the circulating stacks rather than periodicals (and no, there is NOT
much communication between the departments but we're hoping that will change
with the change in staff).  We are trying to figure this out so we know which
1996 issues we need to claim.

The semimonthly issue for 1996 is supposed to be in May but the Buyer's Guide
came out in April (making two issues for that month).  Since we are missing
issues 6 and 7 (May and June) of 1996, we can't make a determination (just a
guess) as to which was the semimonthly month and how many issues we are
actually missing!

Any light anyone can shed on this would be most appreciated.

Kathleen Hanrahan
Serials Cataloger
John Carroll University
University Hts., OH 44118