CERIGUA Weekly Briefs -request for info. C.D. Thompson 17 Dec 1996 17:18 UTC


I would like a USA telephone number for CERIGUA Weekly Briefs. I have not
received any issues for several months. And, they have not replied to my
e-mail inquiries/claims for the issues. Has anyone else had problems
receiving their issues?

This is the information I have:

ANI, P.O. Box 578191, Chicago IL 60657-8191


*Carmel Thompson                    *  cathompson@ups.edu
*Library - Periodicals                  *  206-756-3617 phone
*University of Puget Sound        *  206-756-3670 fax
*1500 N Warner                           *
*Tacoma, WA 98416-0004         *
*                                                       *