Fall 1996 issue of Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship Andrea Duda 17 Dec 1996 17:17 UTC


        A quarterly publication of
        the Science and Technology Section,
        Association of College and Research Libraries

The Fall 1996 issue of ISTL is now available.


Electronic Publishing Programs in Science and Technology Part 1: The
     by Elizabeth W. Brown, Georgia Institute of Technology
     and Andrea L. Duda, University of California, Santa Barbara

Electronic Publishing Programs: Issues to Consider
     by Elizabeth W. Brown, Georgia Institute of Technology
     and Andrea L. Duda, University of California, Santa Barbara

The Once and Future Library
     by Gerry McKiernan, Iowa State University

Report of the ACRL Task Force on Electronic Publishing: Introduction
     by Norma Kobzina, University of California, Berkeley

Report of the ACRL Task Force on Electronic Publishing

>From the Director's Chair
     by Miriam Drake, Georgia Institute of Technology

Science and Technology Sources on the Internet: Sources in Highway
     By Elizabeth Choinski, University of Mississippi

Book Reviews: Science and Technology on the Internet PLUS by Gail Clement
     Reviewed by Flora Shrode, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Conferences and Workshops:

     Professors and Publishing in the Electronic Academy
     by Flora Shrode, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

     International Association of Marine Science Libraries and
     Information Centers Conference
     by James W. Markham, University of California, Santa Barbara

                                Andrea L. Duda
                    Networked Information Access Coordinator
           Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara
                         E-mail: duda@library.ucsb.edu
                     InfoSurf: http://www.library.ucsb.edu