Against the Grain Special Issue (Tom Leonhardt) Marcia Tuttle 26 Nov 1996 21:31 UTC

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Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 15:06:09 -0400
From: tleonhardt@LIBSYS2.LIB.UOKNOR.EDU
Subject: Against the Grain Special Issue

Dear Colleagues:
Due to popular demand, Against The Grain, (Katina Strauch,
editor/publisher) is going to publish a special, annual report issue in
January 1997. Regular contributors and a few others have been asked to
write columns for this issue. As a co-editor of this issue, I am
soliciting, at this late date, short essays/editorials from subscribers to
these lists. The pieces should be 500-1000 words long (longer submissions
that are accepted may be edited for length) and should address trends,
developments, or recapitulations of 1996 relating to serials,
acquisitions, collection development, publishing, book and journal
selling. Please send your submissions to me as email (no attachments, just
plain ascii text), fax, or text (a DOS floppy in ASCII, MS Word, or
WordPerfect would be great). If you mail me something, mail it to  204
Terra Court, Norman, OK 73069-8641. Library mail becomes irregular or
non-existent in late December. I would appreciate your "annual report"
before the New Year's bowl games begin. Thanks. Call me if you have

Thomas W. Leonhardt
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Bizzell Memorial Library
401 W. Brooks
Norman, OK 73019-0528

(405) 325-2458 (VOICE)
(405) 325-1893 (FAX)