ProQuest (Rosalee McReynolds) Marcia Tuttle 26 Nov 1996 13:09 UTC

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Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:52:09 -0600
From: Rosalee McReynolds <reynolds@BETA.LOYNO.EDU>
Subject: ProQuest

Several months ago, it was brought to my attention that UMI includes a
statistics module in its ProQuest software that counts the number of
times users have printed out citations from the ProQuest indexes.  The
module provides information that is specific to the index and journal
title level, but not to the article level.  Here at Loyola University
Library, we have started tracking these statistics to determine if we can
find any possible usage patterns.  Has anyone else used these statistics
in this way, or in any other way?

I will be conducting a workshop at the NASIG conference on this subject
and would really like to hear about the experience of other librarians
who have used these statistics.

Rosalee McReynolds
serials librarian
Loyola University, New Orleans