Re: Page numbers on spine of bound volumes (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 18 Nov 1996 17:53 UTC

2 messages, 31 lines:

Date:         Sat, 16 Nov 1996 10:26:05 GMT
From:         Lesley Tweddle <LTWEDDLE@ACS.AUC.EUN.EG>
Subject:      Re: Page numbers on spine of bound volumes

No - not a cranky customer.  It's very helpful.  In things like Chem Abs,
we put the abstract numbers on the spine.

Lesley Tweddle - American Univ in Cairo

Date:         Sat, 16 Nov 1996 12:40:19 CST
From:         Donna Vavrek <libvavrek@ALPHA.NLU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Page numbers on spine of bound volumes

Greetings from Louisiana-
In a past life, at a Law Library, I often placed page numbers on the spine of
law journals.  The faculty were happy and we had the binding budget to do it.
A few titles, such as the Federal Register need only the volume and page number
on the spine for the patron.  However, we included numbers for the shelvers.  It
is very difficult to shelve multiple volumes by page numbers.  I would suggest
that if a particular title really needs page numbers, to go ahead and do it.

Donna L. Vavrek
Serials Librarian
Northeast Louisiana University
Monroe, LA