Re: 538 vs. 530 Cataloging Question -- thanks (Mary Grenci) Ann Ercelawn 08 Nov 1996 17:41 UTC

Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 07:51:41 -0800
From: Mary Grenci <mgrenci@DARKWING.UOREGON.EDU>
Subject: Re: 538 vs. 530 Cataloging Question (Jean Hirons)

That clears it up completely. Thank you, Jean!


Mary Grenci
Serials Catalog Librarian
Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, Or 97403-1299

> Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 07:40:51 -0500
> From: "Jean L. Hirons" <jhir@LOC.GOV>
> Subject: Re: 538 VS. 530 CATALOGING QUESTIO
> Mary
> The 538 field is used for notes relating to system requirements and mode
> of access on the record for the computer file serial (CD, online, etc.).
> Field 530 is used to indicate additional physical formats available and we
> are currently experimenting with giving a 530 note and 856 on the record
> for the print to indicate the availability of an online version.  Some
> catalogers may be including the URL and other information in the 530 note,
> but in most cases the note is kept fairly simple.  Field 530 is given in
> accordance with AACR 12.7B16 and has been used for many years to indicate
> microform versions that are also available.
> We have just completed updates to the CEG and CCM that include
> examples of fields 530 and 856 as we are
> currently using them.
> I'm sorry for the confusion.  Hope this helps.
> Jean Hirons
> Acting CONSER Coordinator