Re: 538 vs. 530 Cataloging Question (Jean Hirons)
Ann Ercelawn 08 Nov 1996 14:20 UTC
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 07:40:51 -0500
From: "Jean L. Hirons" <jhir@LOC.GOV>
Subject: Re: 538 VS. 530 CATALOGING QUESTIO
The 538 field is used for notes relating to system requirements and mode
of access on the record for the computer file serial (CD, online, etc.).
Field 530 is used to indicate additional physical formats available and we
are currently experimenting with giving a 530 note and 856 on the record
for the print to indicate the availability of an online version. Some
catalogers may be including the URL and other information in the 530 note,
but in most cases the note is kept fairly simple. Field 530 is given in
accordance with AACR 12.7B16 and has been used for many years to indicate
microform versions that are also available.
We have just completed updates to the CEG and CCM that include
examples of fields 530 and 856 as we are
currently using them.
I'm sorry for the confusion. Hope this helps.
Jean Hirons
Acting CONSER Coordinator
> I would like to revisit the 538 vs. 530 question yet again because I am
> still confused as to which field to use for System Requirements and Mode
> of Access notes for remote access ejournals.
> According to the message below, the 538 field was used for these purposes
> at a NASIG conference presentation. Later, Conser issued guidelines which
> stated that the 530 field should be used for this purpose.
> Okay, this is clear enough. My confusion comes from reading the Conser
> documentation on Cataloger's Desktop (1996, Issue 3). Module 31 of the
> Conser Cataloging Manual as shown on the Desktop clearly states that the 538
> field is to be used.
> >From the field definitions and explanations, it seems to me that the 538
> field is the most logical place to put this information, but since we
> catalog serials according to Conser practice I can't just go with my 'gut
> feeling'.
> Does anyone know what Conser's final decision was? If we are to use field
> 530, does anyone know why?
> Thank you.
> ___________________
> Mary Grenci
> Serials Catalog Librarian
> Knight Library
> 1299 University of Oregon
> Eugene, OR 97403-1299
> ----------------------------