Re: Missing Microfilm (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn 06 Nov 1996 14:56 UTC

2 messages:

Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 15:39:33 -0600 (CST)
From: Carrie Ferm  7316 <>
Subject: Re: Missing Microfilm (Maggie Clarke)

Hi!  We had this problem with microfilm and it turned out to be a
fraternity rite of some kind.  After finding some film in the waste
basket in the mens room, we contacted the Greek liason and told him
the problem.  Have not had missing film recently.  But we have a lot
of missing fiche.

> Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 15:21:21 -0500
> From: Margaret A Clarke <maclarke@RS01.KINGS.EDU>
> Subject: Missing Microfilm
> We are currently having a problem of missing microfilm.  For some reason
> it is being taken out of the library.  If there is anyone out there who
> has faced this and found a solution please e-mail me directly.  With the
> cost of replacement film and the increase of incidences of this type we
> are open to any suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Maggie Clarke
> D. Leonard Corgan Library
> Kings College

     Carrie Ferm
     Periodical Section
     Augustana College Library
     3435 9 1/2 Avenue
     Rock Island, IL  61201



Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 07:32:21 -0600
Subject: Re: Missing Microfilm (Maggie Clarke)

We have, at different times, asked the school newspaper to come and
do an interview on vandalism.  They do a very good job of bringing
the problem to the students and hopefully make some of them aware
that they are depriving others of information. Vickey Baumli,
Northwest Missouri State Univ., Maryville, MO