German citation problem (Pamela Matthews) Tuttle, Marcia 16 Oct 1996 04:46 UTC

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Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 08:46:34 -0500
From: Pamela Matthews <matthepa@GRIFFON.MWSC.EDU>
Subject: German citation problem

Here's an interesting question that my boss asked me to post
for the group....

One of our professors has a citation that lists PBB.  It's
a German publication, almost certainly a serial, and it's
probably about German mediaeval literature.  He needs to
know the full title of this pub.

My boss and he scoured the Web and OCLC and came up empty-handed.

Is there anyone out there who can help come up with the full
name of PBB?

Thanks *very* much in advance; please reply to me and not to the
list.  (Somehow I doubt that there's more than one person looking
for this serial!)

Pam Matthews
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Missouri Western State College
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO  64507
phone: 816-271-4571  fax: 816-271-4574