Re: Cataloging serials on CD products
Patti Ashby 11 Sep 1996 15:28 UTC
Please send responses to the list, or Karen please summarize for the list.
My library is involved in a union catalog with 25 other academic libraries.
We are also wrestling with what should be done with multiple formats of
serials such as full-text on IAC's Expanded Academic ASAP and EBSCOHOST.
Also, anyone have opinions on e-journals and union list implications?
Patti Ashby Email:
Reference/Interlibrary Loan Librarian Phone: (317) 677-2981
Indiana Wesleyan University Fax: (317) 677-2767
Marion, Indiana 46953-4999, USA
At 10:15 PM 9/10/96 EST, Karen Powell wrote:
>Those responsible for the development and maintenance of the Alberta
>Government/Colleges Union List of Serials (eventually to be
>searchable on the Internet) would like to exchange information on the
>cataloguing of serials in CD format. Specifically, the cataloguing
>of individual titles mounted on CD products such as Proquest.
>The Union List contains the serial holdings of 40 libraries. A
>record consists of a bib. record and a customized holdings record.
>A title held in paper, fiche and CD described as follows:
>Title, location, summary holdings, specific holdings.
>Dummy holdings statement follows:
>Canadian Journal of Economics
>AEP V.1,1968- PAPER V.1,1968-V.23,1990; FICHE
>V.24,1991-V.28,1995; CD-ROM, [PROQUEST] FULL IMAGE, V.29,1996-
>Responses can be sent to
>Thank you.
>[From: Karen Powell <kpowell@ASSEMBLY.AB.CA>]