Uniform title for Bibliografia espanola YVONNE STROUP 05 Sep 1996 16:51 UTC

Help.  I do fairly well with uniform titles until I run into a
situation like this.

OCLC #519739 has the uniform title: Bibliografia espanola (Madrid,
Spain : 1958).  So far no problem. In 1993 it changed title to:
Bibliografia espanola. Monografias.  The 785 field has the new title
using the uniform title with a 1958 date.  It refers to OCLC#32873083
which does not have a unifrom title.

Two questions.  Shouldn't the new title beginning in 1993 have a
uniform title?  And should the date in that title be 1958? I'm going
to have a heck of a time explaining to people why the uniform title
has 1958 when the beginning date for the title is 1993.

Any help will be appreciated.

Yvonne Stroup
Serials Cataloger
Marriott Library
University of Utah