Re: On shelf generalities Keith Renwick 19 Aug 1996 19:30 UTC

> On Mon, 12 Aug 1996 16:38:13 -0500
> Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU> wrote:
> We need to make room on our shelves; to do so we plan to move some things
> to remote storage.  Do most of you have cutoff dates (eg 20 years on the
> floor, older issues to remote) or what criteria do you use?

Surely most libraries criteria will depend upon the amount of space
available on open shelves and in closed access storage. Our move in
1991 was based upon the material we had and how much we could
accommodate on the open shelves, allowing 5 years expansion
(guestimated). The cutoff date was 1960, also based upon the fact
that earlier material was used significantly less (we are a
specialised S & T library) with a handful of exceptions in the field
of Chemistry.
Hope this is helpful.

Keith D. Renwick,
Head of Technical Services & Administration,
UMIST Library & Information Service,
P.O.Box 88,
Manchester M60 1QD.
Tel : (44) 161-200 4940
Fax : (44) 161-200 4941
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