Closing kardex (3 messages)
Ann Ercelawn 05 Aug 1996 19:03 UTC
3 messages:
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 11:22:35 -0900
From: "Virginia Froemel (" <vef@CWSL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Closing kardex (Jacqueline Snider)
We at California Western are in the process of giving up our kardex. We
have been on the Innovative Innopac system for about 1 and 1/2 years
now. The Innopac system allows us to put notes in the system for us to
use and so far it seems to be working. It also has a line for what the
library's holdings are. As for our kardexes - I am in the
process of finding out which cards in the kardex haven't been transfered
yet into the sytem. Decisions have to be made on whether to input a
computer record or not. Once that is done, they are out of the office. The
cards that are in them will be archived and the kardex drawers will be
removed. Its hard to give them up but since the computer system went in
I have not had to go to them to often. Good luck!
Virginia Froemel, Serials Assistant -
California Western School of Law Library (619)525-1428
225 Cedar Street Fax(619)685-2918
San Diego, CA 92101
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 14:20:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Closing kardex (Jacqueline Snider)
Suggestions coping with kardex-withdrawal:
(1) finish converting current acq and renewal information. Don't worry
too much about old info.
(2) Build summary holdings statements, preferably following NISO
Standard Z39.44 and (if supported by Data Trek) MARC Format for
Holdings. These will represent your old holdings. Consider buildings
(oops: building) holdings statements at detailed, level 4, so that
you show EXACTLY which issues you have and don't have. But build
them as summary statements, showing a range. E.g., v.1:no.1(1981:Jan.)-
v.15:no.4(1995:Oct.) Then your checkin issues in Data Trek pick
up after that.
(3) Then close the kardex. Put in a closet somewhere, out of the
way, but DON'T THROW IT OUT! Then you can feel comfortable, because,
if you must, you can consult it. In six months or a year, you'll
know what information you need to convert further -- if any.
Hope this helps!
Ellen Rappaport
Albany Law School Library
Tech Services Librarian
Albany NY 12208
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 14:27:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Linda Grooms <>
Subject: Re: Closing kardex (Jacqueline Snider)
We maintain a title file for each of our titles. Our kardex cards were
simply filed in the appropriate title file when we closed our kardex. All
of the checkin history and notes are still available, just a bit less
convenient to get at. Makes weaning a bit easier!
Linda Grooms