Affect of Heat on Microfilm
Paul Burnam 23 Aug 1996 14:51 UTC
Replies to Paul Burnam <PDBURNAM@CC.OWU.EDU> and to the list would
be welcome. --editor.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Can anyone on this discussion list please provide me with some information
on the durability of microfilm? A friend who was to return some microfilm I
had borrowed from her college's library forgot that it was in the trunk of
her car and went to New York for a week. My question is how will the
microfilm hold up in the trunk of a car sitting in an uninsulated garage for
over a week? We have had a week of days with the high around 90 degrees and
high humidity. Will the microfilm be damaged while it sits in the car?
Please reply directly to me because I am not a subscriber to this list.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
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