REF: Def. of serial (John Cys) Marcia Tuttle 12 Jul 1996 13:18 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 12:18:46 -0500
From: John Cys <fcysj@NEXUS.MWSU.EDU>
Subject: REF: Def. of serial

Serial:  A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing
numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued
indefinitely.  (AACR2R Glossary)

Monographic Series:  A group of separate items related to one another by the
fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective
title applying to the group as a whole.  The individual items may or may not
be numbered.  (AACR2R Glossary)

An excellent book covering all aspects of serials, including management, is
_Serial Publications: Their Place and Trearment in Libraries_ by Andrew D.
Osborn (published by the American Library Association).

Have a nice day!


John M. Cys                   "Descriptive cataloging,
Catalog Librarian             that pleasant backwater
Moffett Library               of human endeavor,---."
Midwestern State University     ---Michael Gorman.
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