Blank pages (Joan Kammerer) Marcia Tuttle 09 Jul 1996 15:47 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 11:42:33 -0400
From: Joan Kammerer <kammerer@LIB.UWO.CA>
Subject: Blank pages

 Dear Serialsters,
        Thanks to all of you who responded to my query about blank
 pages in Scientific and Technical Books and Serials in Print.  I was
 fortunate enough to have copies of the pages in question sent to me by
 fax.  Therefore, my hunt is done.  Again thanks.


Joan Kammerer                                (519) 679-2111 Ext. 6369
Inventory Control                            E-mail
Allyn and Betty Taylor Library               FAX     (519) 661-3435
Natural Sciences Centre
University of Western Ontario
LONDON, Ontario
N6A 5B7