Users of Mekabinding (Cynthia Hashert) Marcia Tuttle 08 Jul 1996 19:27 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 13:07:00 -0600
From: Cynthia F. Hashert <chashert@CARBON.CUDENVER.EDU>
Subject: Users of Mekabinding

Recently, the commercial binder with whom we have been dealing for a number
of years indicated they they will soon begin using a method of binding called
Mekabinding. My question: Is anyone currently using Mekabinding and are you
satisfied with it?  Advantages/Disadvantages? Are there problems with
binding front and back covers in a volume?

Feel free to respond to me personally at the email address below. Thanks.

Cynthia F. Hashert           
Serial Acquisitions Librarian          303-556-5256
Auraria Library
Denver, CO 80204