Question about NEW STATESMAN & SOCIETY (Laura Vogler) Marcia Tuttle 08 Jul 1996 12:30 UTC

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Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 16:34:55 -0500
Subject: Question about NEW STATESMAN & SOCIETY

To those who subscribe to NEW STATESMAN & SOCIETY, I have a question
for you.

Starting with my June 14th issue the cover title reads just NEW
STATESMAN (the words "& Society" are missing.)  I am trying to figure
out if I am still receiving the same journal or if the publishers are
trying to confuse us.  It still has the same ISSN, it's just the
title is different.  I am wondering if there is a title change.  OCLC
does not indicate that this is so, but the OCLC record may not have
been updated yet.  What is even more confusing to me is that this
journal seems to have two different volume and issue numbers for two
different journal titles as indicated at the bottom of the contents

Subscribers, what are your observations.  Have you started receiving
issues with the NEW STATESMAN only title?  Any clues as to what is
going on?

Thanks for your help with this.


Laura Vogler                     Internet:
Lilly Library
Wabash College
P.O. Box 352
Crawfordsville, IN  47933