Agricultural Experiment Station Publications (Donna Sue Yanney) Ann Ercelawn 31 Jul 1996 21:52 UTC

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 14:36:13 CST6CDT
From: Donna Sue Yanney <dyanney@COLEMAN.PVAM.EDU>
Subject: Agricultural Experiment Station Publications

Good morning everyone!  I want some input from others.  My library is
just starting a cataloging and analyzing project with our Agricultural
Experiment Station collection.  This material has not been well advertized
in the past, and, well, its really never been used.  Now that we are putting
information in our opac we are anticipating demand for the collection.  My
administrator is concerned that if we let items circulate, since many items
are pamphlet or leaflet size, they will be easily lost.  My lackadaisical
opinion is to wait and see if there is a problem, and if we find one, to deal
with it.
I am curious how other libraries have dealt with their Agricultural Experiment
Station reports and the like.   Are they housed separately? What is your
retention policy?   Are unbound items allowed to circulate?  Has that been a
Any insight will be appreciated.
I'm not even real clear how this stuff is received.  Is it considered a
gift/exchange type deal or more like a depository arrangement?  Or is it all
just free for the asking for libraries?  Or does that depend on the state of

Donna Sue Yanney
Assistant Periodicals Librarian
Prairie View A&M University
Phone: (409) 857-2756 FAX: (409) 857-2755