Journal Usage Survey (Ela Sosnowska) Ann Ercelawn 30 Jul 1996 13:18 UTC

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996 17:18:00 -0400
From: Ela Sosnowska <sosnowsk@UMDNJ.EDU>

Hi, everybody-

I would be interested to hear from anyone who conducted a journal usage
survey in  their library. Our journal collection does not circulate. We
have open stacks, and in order to find out what titles are used, we have
to conduct surveys for a limited period of time. This year we've
conducted the survey twice: initially for four weeks, and later for seven
weeks. All data gathered was combined into one report, and now we are
beginning the analysis. I wonder how to determine what are the low and
high usage levels for various frequencies. By definition, a quarterly
would circulate less than a monthly or weekly title. Is there a formula
available to make such a determination?
Any information or advice will be greatly appreciated.


Ela Sosnowska                                   Internet:
Serials Librarian                               Voice (201)982-4360/5299
G.F. Smith Library                              Fax:  (201)982-3870
Univ. of Med. & Dent. of N.J.