Re: Variant uniform titles (John Mead) Marcia Tuttle 24 Jul 1996 12:32 UTC

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Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 13:11:02 EDT
Subject: Re: Variant uniform titles (Carol Shapiro0

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Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:42:21 -0500
From: Carol Shapiro <cshapiro@MAIL.LAWNET.FORDHAM.EDU>
Subject: Variant uniform titles (Rick Gildemeister) -Reply

Someone from LC once told me that it was a coin flip that decided place,
not corporate body or such would be the qualifier. I could never imagine
when a user checking a cite would know the associated place, except if
the countries were different. Even so.

--Carol Shapiro

Fordham Law Library


Since coin-flips have been used to determine place names, why not
publication locations?  After all, if the flip had gone differently, I'd
live/work in Boston, Oregon, not Portland, Oregon...

Just a bit of local humor, folks!  But honestly, it *was* a coin flip
which determined the name of Portland, Oregon, named after Portland,
Maine, the other contender was Boston, as in Massachusetts.  Land
developers never change...

John Mead, Assistant Librarian, Oregon Historical Society Library, 1200
SW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97205 (503) 306-5245

"Outside of a dog, man's best friend is a book; inside of a dog it's too
dark to read."  Groucho Marx