newspaper collections (Mary-Anne MacDougall) Marcia Tuttle 22 Jul 1996 12:08 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:42:53 -0700
From: mary-anne macdougall <maryamac@VPL.VANCOUVER.BC.CA>
Subject: newspaper collections

I am a librarian with the Newspapers & Magazines Division at the
Vancouver Public Library.  We are trying to develop some solutions to the
problem of the vandalism and theft of the current newspaper issues.
Currently, the patrons have open access to nearly 100 daily/weekly titles
and the specific problems that we have are: patrons taking the newspapers
from the Newspapers Reading Gallery, ripping/cutting/defacing the
newspapers, patrons hording a number of issues of a particular newspaper,
and stealing the papers.

Does anyone have suggestions as to how they deal with the above
problems.  Please note that making the collection available via a closed
stacks arrangement is out of the question.  Our mandate was to make the
collection self service.  Please e-mail me directly
<> with any suggestions.  Many thanks!

This message has been cross-posted on PUBLIB.

Mary-Anne MacDougall, Librarian
Newspapers & Magazines Division
Vancouver Public Library
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 6B1
Tel: (604) 331-3740