Sports Illucidated (2 messages)
Marcia Tuttle 19 Jul 1996 12:11 UTC
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 14:54:09 -0500
From: Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject: Re: Sports Illucidated (Bud Sonka)
----------Forwarded message----------
> From: Bud Sonka <bsonka@NUNIC.NU.EDU>
> Subject: Sports Illucidated
> Let me be the first to ask: What is everyone doing about the latest issue
> of Sports Illustrated, dated June 22, labeled as a double issue, but with
> no volume or issue number? The previous issue was v.85 n.3.
> Does anyone have a better procedure?
***Set it on the office shelf and wait for the next issue to come in.
Jeanette Skwor
looking around in amazement--Who said that? Not me! *I* would never
do such a thing! ;-)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 16:07:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: Deborah Harrell <>
Subject: Re: Sports Illucidated (Bud Sonka)
Our issue came today. So that our computer record would not claim the
"missing" issue, I simply *told* that issue what it's volume and issue
number would be (using the numeration that matched the issue date.)
Debbie Harrell
Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia
phone: 770-836-6498
fax: 770-836-6626