Electronic Green Journal (Mike Pollastro)
Marcia Tuttle 18 Jul 1996 12:57 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 09:53:05 -0700
From: Mike Pollastro <mikep@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: Electronic Green Journal
ISSN: 1076-7975
The University of Idaho Library announces the availability of a new issue
of the ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL (vol. 3, issue 1), a professional refereed
publication devoted to disseminating information concerning sources on
international environmental topics.
Environmental issues frequently cross national borders; therefore, our
journal encourages the international sharing of environmental expertise.
The journal serves communities as an educational environmental resource,
and includes both practical and scholarly articles, bibliographies,
reviews, editorial comments, and announcements. We are academically
sponsored; however, our focus is for the educated generalist as well as
the specialist.
Original contributions from authors are welcome. Guidelines for authors
are available on the WWW as indicated below or from the editors. Reviewers
for books are also needed; books available for review are listed on the
journal's web site. Send contributions, advertisements, requests for
guidelines, or requests for any other information about the journal to:
Maria Jankowska, General Editor, majanko@uidaho.edu
Mike Pollastro, Managing Editor, mikep@uidaho.edu
Advertisements are accepted at a rate of $75/screen (24 lines x 70
characters/line) or portion thereof for commercial organizations and
$50/screen for non-profit organizations. Text or images can be
accommodated. Links to home pages of publishers and other advertisers can
also be arranged for $25/link.
Preferred access to the journal is on the Worldwide Web. Point your
browser to:
The journal is also available by ftp:
anonymous ftp: www.lib.uidaho.edu (directory: /pub/egj
PLEASE NOTE: gif files (graphics) must be ftp-ed in BINARY mode
Subscriptions are also available by email. ASCII text versions of the
contents of the journal will be emailed to subscribers. To subscribe,
email to:
with the following in the body of the message:
subscribe egj your_email_address (substitute your preferred email
address here)
Mike Pollastro
Managing Editor, Electronic Green Journal
University of Idaho Library, Moscow, ID 83844-2361
208-885-2504 (Voice) 208-885-6817 (Fax)