753field no more (Les Hawkins)
Marcia Tuttle 02 Jul 1996 13:00 UTC
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Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 07:54:27 -0400
From: Les Hawkins <lhaw@LOC.GOV>
Subject: 753field no more (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 14:33:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Patrick Bernard <pber@loc.gov>
To: pbernard@mail.loc.gov
Cc: lhaw@loc.gov
Subject: 753field no more
This message is being posted on EMedia, Intercat, Serialst,
and Conserlst.
The LC monographic computer file catalogers have ceased input
of the 753 field. The 753 field, the Systems Details Access to
Computer Files field, contains information that is also present in
other fields of the record, most commonly the 538 System Details
Note. Typically, more complete information is given in the 538
note and the 753 includes a brief statement of the make and model
of the machine and the operating system. There is also provision
in the 753 field to input the programming language, but this
element had been input very infrequently in recent years. The
following example illustrates the overlap of the 538 and 753
538 System requirements: IBM PC or compatible with 386
processor; 4MB RAM; DOS 5.0 or higher; Windows 3.1 or higher;
VGA graphics adapter or better ...
753 IBM PC DOS 5.0
LC monographic computer file records created after mid-April
1996 will not have the 753 field. Records created before mid-April
1996 will usually have the 753 field. LC does not plan to delete
the 753 field from these earlier records even if the record is
updated for another reason.
In LC serial computer file records, the 753 field has been
used only rarely. There are only seven occurrences of this field
in the CONSER database. The current perception is that most serial
computer file catalogers are not and probably will not be using the
753 field in the future.
The Cataloging Policy and Support Office is recommending to
the LC Network Development and MARC Standards Office that a
proposal be written to make the 753 field obsolete in the USMARC
bibliographic format.
Patrick Bernard
Computer files specialist
Cataloging Policy and Support Office
Library of Congress