"Trends in" titles Joan Kammerer 06 Jun 1996 22:59 UTC

Please respond directly to me and not to the list.  Thank you.


        This is directed to those of you discard the issues of "Trends
in " titles and retain the Reference Edition.

What is your experience with the quality of the binding of the
reference edition?  Recently, we received two volumes which were
already in disrepair on arrival.  Also, we have had to rebind several
reference edition volumes because they just do not stnad up to the
heavy use.  We are considering binding the current issues and placing
that volume on the shelves IN ADDITION to the reference edition
thereby providing, more or less, two copies of the title.  I say more
or less because the contents of the two items will not be quite the
same, as you well know.  We think the cost of binding the current
issues is well worth it since we have been paying to have most of the
reference editions rebound anyway.

Your thoughts would be most appreciated.  Many thanks.

Joan Kammerer                                (519) 679-2111 Ext. 6369
Inventory Control                            E-mail  kammerer@lib.uwo.ca
Allyn and Betty Taylor Library               FAX     (519) 661-3435
Natural Sciences Centre
University of Western Ontario
LONDON, Ontario
N6A 5B7