2 messages, 83 lines:
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 06:40:32 -0500
From: Cheri Duncan <DUNCANCJ@JMU.EDU>
Subject: Re: AMS Data Access Fee
Our Math Department pays the AMS Data Access Fee so that we may subscribe to
Mathematical Reviews.
Cheri Duncan
Carrier Library
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 17:53:25 -0700
From: Sandy Heft <sandyh@CCO.CALTECH.EDU>
Subject: Re: AMS Data Access Fee
At Caltech, the Library pays the data access fee to AMS out of
our journal budget. My understanding is that the AMS started calling it
a data access fee in 1994. Before that, the entire payment was
for the subscription to Mathematical Reviews.
As you can see from our payment record below, although the
price has gone up each year, the cost each year (at least since 1991)
has been much higher than $350. Our entire payment for 1996 is $4,310,
NOT $4,310 plus $350:
29 PAID 08-02-90 $3,208.00 1991
30 PAID 08-02-91 $3,750.86 1992
31 PAID 10-12-92 $3,673.00 1993
32 PAID 11-03-93 $3,910.00 1994
33 PAID 10-06-94 $4,086.00 1995
34 PAID 12-20-95 $4,310.00 1996
Also, if you're considering MathSci tapes, MathSci Discs, or any
other AMS product, you should look at MathSciNet on the Web first. The
URL is http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/
We paid $1,775 for access to it, and its been a big hit with our users.
You can compare pricing and other info about the MathSci
products at http://www.ams.org/bookstore/mathsciprice.html
As far as I can tell, MathSciNet is the Web version of the CD-ROM AND YOU
DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING BUT POINT TO IT after you give them all your money!
Let me know if I can give you further information.
Sandy Heft
Sandra M. Heft
Head, Technical Services
Caltech Library System
Mail Code 1-32
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
818-395-6415 FAX=818-792-7540 sandyh@cco.caltech.edu
On Wed, 5 Jun 1996, Barbara Shaffer wrote:
> How do other libraries handle the Data Access Fee charged by the American
> Mathematical Society? Only by paying the fee, which was $4,310 for 1996,
> can the library subscribe to Mathematical Reviews (for an additional $350+).
> Paying the fee also permits individuals and/or departments on campus to
> purchase MathSci tapes, the MathSci Discs or additional subscriptions
> to Mathematical Reviews.
> Are you paying this fee from your journal renewals budget? Is it paid by
> the Math Department or the Institution? Have you refused to pay it so that
> you can get a subscription to Mathematical Reviews?
> This inquiring mind wants to know!
> --
> Barbara Shaffer
> Serials Librarian
> Carlson Library
> The University of Toledo
> Toledo, OH 43606
> Phone: (419) 530-2838
> Fax: (419) 530-2726
> Bitnet: fac0107@uoft01
> Internet: fac0107@uoft01.utoledo.edu