I found the Kardex v. Online comments interesting.
Perhaps because of the nature of serials there will be problems with serials
maintenance in an online environment, but (as has been pointed out) there are
benefits, especially for patrons and other library staff. At our library
we use the CARL system and I'm convinced that the serial module is the
most troublesome of all the modules---but we make the best of it.
Beverly Geckle
Steve Black wrote:
> I hope my lament about dealing with publication pattern quirks in an
> online catalog was understood as being delivered with tongue in cheek.
> The OPAC records and claiming features certainly make the frustrations
> worthwhile.
> Our system is Dynix. Its troublesome features are well known by the
> Dynix serials user group. Unfortunately, Ameritech has expressed a
> desire to focus their programming efforts in other directions, so the
> difficulties will remain in place for the foreseeable future. On a
> positive note, I will say that I like the way the serial records appear
> in the OPAC.
> I agree with Mary S. Hodgin's comment that the real problem lies with
> the publishers, and that we should keep bugs in their ears. I'll try to
> do my part to follow Mitch Turitz's inspiring lead, and take the time to
> explain to publishers the problems they sometimes create for us.
> By the way, if anyone uses Dynix and has a solution for the new pattern
> for the British Journal of Haematology, please let me know.
> Steve Black
> The College of Saint Rose
> Albany, NY
> blacks@rosnet.strose.edu